Here are the best ways to protect yourself from bear markets.
Trading Justice 456: Portfolio Design for Beginners
Daily Trading Routine | Trading Justice Newsletter Vol. 50
Episode 360: Portfolio Design
The Omelet & The Eggs | Trading Justice Newsletter Vol. 26
The Holy Trinity of Trading Part II: Position Sizing
How successful traders and investors are born? The first step is mastering Portfolio Design; the second is mastering Position Sizing. Above all, Position Sizing is an exercise of humility. We don’t move the markets, we follow them. They are indifferent to us and can be very hostile. They are not simple, but utterly complex and we don’t know the future. Only Position Sizing will be there for us when all else fails.
Investing theory: How much Beta Weighted Delta is too bullish?
Over the years, I’ve received thousands of questions about trading concepts from my students. Recently, I received a question on how to determine if a portfolio is too bullish or bearish. There’s a video at the bottom of this post that explains everything there. If you want to skip straight to the video, scroll down….