The market continues to rally with the news of the passage of tax reform legislation. How long will this run continue?
Intro: Matt Justice
1:06: Market Skyline
36:40: Feature Presentation
1:04:00: Coaches Mailbag
The market continues to rally with the news of the passage of tax reform legislation. How long will this run continue? On episode 245 of the Trading Justice podcast, Coach Matt Justice is joined by Federal Reserve expert Jeff Crystal and commodities expert Greg Holmes to discuss the raging market. Find out how tax breaks will impact corporations and how they might impact you. All this and much more on episode 245 of the Trading Justice podcast.
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Love listening to you guys. Spot on, as usual. Some of my friends think I am too cynical. But, I seem the same. Throw a bone, make Linda and Larry Lunchbox feel good for a moment, but really just more of the same ol, same ol.. Thanks guys! Keep ’em coming!
Thanks Herbert! Great to have you as a listener…