Welcome to episode 584 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice brothers talk markets. Tech is all the rage lately but how does one logically make determinations on when to put on the breaks and maybe take a little profit? Matt builds a case for methods to determine this in a rules-based and systematic approach though indicators such as P.A.Y (potential average yield). It is a fascinating technical conversation that you do not want to miss. The brothers also discuss a potential oil reversal pattern, how political influence creeps into the mindset of traders, gold, and how the “surprise index” could be setting up for broad rally from a contrarian point of view. It is a jammed packed podcast that you don’t want to miss so sit back and enjoy another tremendous edition of the Trading Justice podcast!
1:00 AI Webinar
13:00 Understand PAY
47:00 Energy Reversal
57:00 Recession Obsession
1:19:30 Gold
Come Check Out Our AI Watchlist! – https://tackletrading.com/ai-stocks/
AI Gold Rush Webinar – https://youtube.com/live/6ieGMqLKZbQ?feature=share