Welcome to episode 528 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys dive into the different themes that can impact the market this week. The conversation gravitated often towards the cyclical areas of the market as tech has had a monster run (a little overextended heading into the week perhaps?) but cyclicals have barely participated. As the NASDAQ has clearly broken resistance and set new 52-week highs what will it take for the S&P 500 to do the same? Probably a little cyclical participation!!! In addition, Matt talks about retail earnings which were a little concerning, and what he is looking for in that area of the market while Mark discusses his newfound love for cash-flowing regional banks. All that and debt ceiling chatter, a new 0DTE disturbing trend, AI, and much, much more! One disturbing trend that you will never encounter is blocking that time each week for the Justice boys so sit back and enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice podcast!!!