In this episode, Matt, Tim and Mark discuss the themes that are developing after the US elections last week. Before the election, investors were focused on what the results would be and the market response to it. Now that the election has happened, the market turned bullish very quickly, and now the conversation has changed for market participants. During the feature presentation, we discuss the new themes that are emerging from our perspective, and Coach Matt details how he sees these themes playing out over the next few months and through the next few years.
Before that, we analyze the current market conditions during our Skyline. Stocks gapped higher on Monday after Pfizer announced some recent data regarding their vaccine trial. Stay at home stocks like Peloton and Zoom shot lower, while re-opening stocks like airlines, cruise lines, restaurants and others shot higher. We discuss the current conditions and how we’re reading the action during this weekly segment.
In our last segment, we review some of the election predictions from last week’s show and discuss what the team got right and wrong in their predictions.