This week in episode 397 of the Trading Justice podcast we go deep into this week’s election with a series of predictions regarding the upcoming election. First in the Market Skyline, Coach Matt and Mark are joined by Tackle Trading coaches Noah Davidson and Cody Maki to discuss the market risk in the short-term if there is a contested election. Needless to say, the coaches are not too keen on the short-term market if there is a drawn-out contested election. Coach Matt also asks each of the coaches to analyze what specific combinations of election outcomes (Biden/Republican Senate, Trump/Republican Senate, Biden/Democratic Senate, Trump/Democratic Senate) would mean for the market over the next six months. There is so diverse and great insight in this section.
In the next segment, the coaches make a series of election predictions on who is going to win. The answers range from a Trump landslide to a significant Biden victory. All the coaches give a deep analysis of their reasoning. This good-natured debate was incredibly fun even with such wide-ranging opinions. Who will be right in their predictions? Well as predication podcasts go probably Kayne West!
Have a great week and we hope you enjoy this special edition of the Trading Justice podcast!