The CBOE Put Write Index illustrates how to create a system using naked puts. This is how it works.
Trading Justice 393: Dean Beckette
In this episode, we welcome Dean Beckette back to the podcast. Dean is a financial markets trader, specializing in stocks and options using the Boomerang strategy.
Episode 361: Jake Pelley on how to approach trading in 2020
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, the boys are joined by Jake Pelley as they get a chance to talk to him about how he’s approaching trading in 2020.
Episode 355: Tackle 25 Covered Calls (2020 Edition)
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, Matt and Tim discuss the Tackle 25 release for 2020. This list serves as a candidate list to trade Covered Calls, Naked Puts and other strategies used by options traders throughout the year.
Episode 352: The Boomerang Trade Revisited
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, Matt, Tim, and Mark discuss the Boomerang Trading Strategy. A powerful cash flow strategy that involves selling naked puts on stocks, collecting credits, and then if assigned, turning around and selling Covered Calls against those shares.
Episode 334: Cash Flowing with Naked Puts
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, the boys discuss the Naked Put strategy. Selling puts is a bullish cash flow strategy. A trader benefits as time passes, as implied volatility falls and as the stock goes up. Listen in for some tips and tricks on how to use Naked Puts.
Trading Justice Episode 327: The Boomerang Trade
In this episode of the Trading Justice Podcast, Coach Mark Justice teaches his approach to a cash flow strategy called the Boomerang Trade which consists of selling naked puts and then covered calls in a cycle of cash flow. This is a simple and powerful approach to investing and trading.