This week on the Trading Justice Podcast, we welcome back the environmental hedger himself Bob Shannon. Bob and the Justice boys will be taking a deep dive into the world of crypto currencies
Intro: Tim Justice
1:01: Market Skyline
26:04: Feature Presentation
58:36: Coaches Mailbag
This week on the Trading Justice Podcast, we welcome back the environmental hedger himself Bob Shannon. Bob and the Justice boys will be taking a deep dive into the world of crypto currencies. Is this the future of currency or just a fad like Bellbottom jeans or tulip mania? We speak about Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin and of course Bitcoin. Find out how to get involved in the crypto currency market and learn about a few potential red flags along the way.
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- Twitter: @mattjustice13 @tradingjustice @timjusticeutah
is this podcast just “verbal”? no video/face time or charts?
Correct, it’s like a radio show. The best way to listen to the podcast is on your phone, itunes or a podcast app while you’re moving around.