In this episode, Coach Tyler Craig joins us to discuss his recent newsletter published on the Trading Justice website on how to build an investment portfolio.
Trading Justice 403: Tyler Craig
By Tim Justice
By Tim Justice
In this episode, Coach Tyler Craig joins us to discuss his recent newsletter published on the Trading Justice website on how to build an investment portfolio.
By Tim Justice
We welcome Pete Thomas back to the podcast for a lively discussion on all things precious metals. Pete is a senior Vice President at the Zaner Group, an expert in the metals markets, and a friend of the Trading Justice podcast. Listen in as Matt and Pete discuss the current state of the metals market. Before that, we analyze the entire market from stocks to bitcoin during our Market Skyline. Lastly, we play a game where we guess the weather.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, Coach Noah and Frank join the boys for a draft of the Dow 30 companies. In the month of November, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 13% which was the best month it’s had since January 1987.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, we decided to spend some time reminiscing. It’s our 400th episode! And, through the years, we’ve had incredible experiences, guests, conversations and the best audience in the business. During our feature, we talk about all of the things we’re grateful for and tell stories about our favorite guests and what we love about doing this podcast.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, we welcome Coach Tyler Craig back to the podcast to discuss the topic on this month’s newsletter regarding beta weighting your delta. As you’re trading and investing, your portfolio will change over time as you add or subtract positions and as those positions build profit or losses.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, Matt, Tim and Mark discuss the themes that are developing after the US elections last week. Before the election, investors were focused on what the results would be and the market response to it. Now that the election has happened, the market turned bullish very quickly, and now the conversation has changed for market participants. During the feature presentation, we discuss the new themes that are emerging from our perspective, and Coach Matt details how he sees these themes playing out over the next few months and through the next few years.
By Tim Justice
In Episode 397 of the Trading Justice podcast we have put together a panel to discuss the market implications of the coming election and make our election predications. The predications of our panel are all over the map from a massive Trump landslide to a solid Biden win. Come listen to the good-natured spirited discussion in the week’s podcast.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, Matt, Mark and Tim discuss the upcoming election scenario’s and their market implications. There is much on the line this coming Tuesday, as Vice President Biden and President Trump make their last efforts to convince voters. What will the market do if Biden wins, Trump wins, or if there is no clear winner on election night? What are the implications if the Republicans or Democrats win the Senate? We discuss all of the hypotheticals during our feature presentation.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, we welcome Coach Greg ‘Old Money’ Holmes to the podcast to discuss seasonality in the market as well as the Christmas Rally. At this time of year, from Oct – Dec, the market has historically done well. From a monthly perspective, November is one of the most bullish months of the year, on average.
By Tim Justice
In this episode, we bring Coach’s Noah Davidson and Tyler Craig onto the podcast to debate whether Stocks or Options are better products to trade with. Before that, Matt, Tim and Mark analyze the broad markets during our weekly skyline. Lastly, in the spirit of the Lakers winning the NBA championship, Coach Mark asks Tim and Matt to guess which NBA players are in the top 15 of all time.