In this episode, Coach Tyler Craig joins us to discuss his recent newsletter on how to fight inflation. Inflation is the topic of many conversations surrounding the financial markets as prices in many areas like homes, lumber, industrial metals, food, and used cars have surged in the last 6-12 months. During the feature presentation, Tyler sits down with Tim to discuss what inflation is, why it matters to individuals, and how to protect yourself from it.
Before that, Matt, Mark, Tim, and Tyler discuss recent market conditions during our weekly skyline. Stocks bounced Monday after a sell-off last week post FOMC meeting where the Fed signaled a potential interest rate hike in 2023, up from 2024. China continues to crack down on bitcoin, shutting down 26 mining operations in the Sichuan Province, Crude Oil continues its strength, and Gold is fighting for support after its sell-off. Listen in as the coaches give their thoughts and discuss the current market conditions.
Lastly, Coach Mark has selected 20 of his favorite Time Travel movies and the coaches have to guess which ones make the top of the list in our weekly game. What is your favorite time travel movie of all-time?