In this episode, Matt, Tim, Mark, and Noah get together to discuss the topic of how to insure your investments. In the markets, there are many available products you can use to take the risk away from a particular trade or portfolio. Insurance isn’t always that exciting to buy, but it can be extremely helpful and necessary when you need it. Listen in for our insights into this important topic and get some tips and tricks on how to approach the topic of using insurance, including Put Options, Selling Call Options, and Position Sizing.
Before that, we analyze the markets from a top-down perspective during our Market Skyline. Jerome Powell was on 60 minutes on Sunday talking economics, several companies have made progress on clinical trials on a vaccine and the general ‘re-opening theme’ is on track. Will the bullishness continue? We break down the fundamental and technical arguments during this weekly section so that you can hear our thoughts.
Lastly, we play a game of ‘would you insure this?’ Ever wondered if you need alien abduction insurance? Wedding insurance? Lost car keys insurance? There are lots of wild insurance products out there, and Coach Mark has compiled a list of them to ask us what we would insure.